There's a ghost in me, Who wants to say I'm sorry. Doesn't mean I'm sorry.

martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

Bastille: Pompeii

I was left to my own devices
 Many days fell away with nothing to show

And the walls kept tumbling down
 In the city that we love
 Great clouds roll over the hills
 Bringing darkness from above

But if you close your eyes,
 Does it almost feel like
 Nothing changed at all?

 And if you close your eyes,
 Does it almost feel like
 You've been here before?
 How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
 How am I gonna be an optimist about this?

We were caught up and lost in all of our vices
 In your pose as the dust settles around us

And the walls kept tumbling down
 In the city that we love
 Rain clouds roll over the hills
 Bringing darkness from above

But if you close your eyes,
 Does it almost feel like
 Nothing changed at all?
 And if you close your eyes,
 Does it almost feel like
 You've been here before?

 How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
 How am I gonna be an optimist about this?

Oh where do we begin?
 The rubble or our sins?
 Oh where do we begin?
 The rubble or our sins?

And the walls kept tumbling down
 In the city that we love
 Rain clouds roll over the hills
 Bringing darkness from above

But if you close your eyes,
 Does it almost feel like
 Nothing changed at all?
 And if you close your eyes,
 Does it almost feel like
 You've been here before?

 How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
 How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
 But if you close your eyes,
 Does it almost feel like
 Nothing changed at all?

Nice Wow Super Song.

lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013

MIA Movistar Free Music @ Buenos Aires | 24NOV2013

M.I.A. viene a Buenos Aires a presentar Matangi, su nuevo álbum en el #Movistar Free Music Festival. 
Allá vamos!

x 4!

fuckyeah a rockanrolearla.

UPDATE 25/11

 Y por aquí el álbum de fotos de lo que fue esa jornada donde las chicas se divirtieron y bailaron toda la velada. Incluso Cami subió al escenario a bailar con MIA! WOW YES. No se lo olvidará nunca.

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

sábado, 26 de octubre de 2013

Daniel Bambaata Marley: Treat You Right


Oh x dios hermosa cancioncita.

#Reggae   #MarleyFamily  

Daniel Bambaata Marley: Treat You Right  (Set Up Shop Vol. 1)

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

Moby feat. Wayne Coyne: The Perfect Life

 We close our eyes
 The perfect life
 is all we need

You open up when you had me in your hands
 Slipping far away with the world at your command
 You sing me to sleep and then you hit me awake
 It's a perfect life, a perfect life.

 I only want to be here when you're by my side
 Oh I believe now, I'll love you 'til I die
 You will sing me to sleep, you will hit me awake
 in the perfect life, the perfect life

 We close our eyes
 The perfect life, life
 is all we need

 Little Mike he steps everywhere
 Knives in his pockets and bullets in his hair
 He has nothing to live for, nothing left to say
 He's locking all the doors to keep the older wolves at bay
 Spoons and foil are all he needs
 A bed and some china
 A lighter and some speed
 It will sing you to sleep, it will hit you awake
 In the perfect life, a perfect life.

 We close our eyes
 The perfect life, life
 is all we need

 We close our mind
 The perfect life, life
 is all we need
 The perfect life, the perfect life,
 the perfect life
 all we need

A Sweet Supersong.



sábado, 21 de septiembre de 2013

Nine Inch Nails. Hoy.

Perfectamente aluci para my #NIN Best Of.

  • Perfect Drug
  • Beside you in time
  • Right where it belongs v.2
  • In This Twilight
  • The Beginning of the End
  • The Good Soldier
  • The hand that feeds
  • Lights in the Sky
  • Corona Radiata
  • Came Back Haunted
  • Find My Way (Oneohtrix Point Never Remix)

*Hoy* te elijo a vos.

domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013

Feliz Cumple 87 Nonito!

Gracias por estar siempre a mi lado.

Mi mejor amigo. Mi padre.


lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013

Captain Paul Watson: The Art of Dealing With Critics and Haters

Commentary by Sea Shepherd founder, Captain Paul Watson (Recent picture included from a Deserted Island) 

One of the things I often hear from activists especially young activists is that they are hurt by comments and criticisms for their activism.

Now I've been an activist for the environment, for conservation, for indigenous rights and for animals for half a century and I've been called many names and I've been attacked by thousands of people worldwide and over that time I have discovered something that allows me to deal with the name calling and the ad hominem personal attacks and it is rather simple.

“Ignore them.”

There are three types of criticism:

  • Positive criticisms from friends, peers and family.
  • Negative criticism from people you know.
  • Negative criticism from People you don't know.

The positive criticism from people you know are helpful and constructive but there is nothing to be gained from listening to or responding to negative criticism from anybody.

The world is full of people you don't know. Their opinions are plain and simply irrelevant.

You can't be bullied if you ignore the bullies and they are easy to ignore.

The only person you need to prove anything to is yourself. The only person you need to impress is yourself.

And if you can't say anything encouraging or supportive of someone else than it is best to not say anything at all unless you make the conscious choice to regard someone as an enemy. Once you do that by all means go on the attack but remember you must be prepared for retaliation and if you can't take it, you should not dish it out.

Also remember if your actions make people angry enough to attack you that means you are being effective. No one criticizes someone who does nothing, unless of course all they do is nothing. 

The more critics you have, the more effective you must be.

I love having critics. I love having people who hate me. It means I am effectively opposing something they support like whaling, sealing, illegal fishing, destruction of habitat, hunting, exploitation of indigenous peoples etc. 

I even have the luxury of having entire nations, provinces and states hate me, like for example the Faeroes, Newfoundland, Japan, etc. 

But although I like the fact that I have so many enemies I don't feel they are worth responding to. I simply accept them as a fact of life and ignore them. 

Hate mail has it's uses. For me it is great for starting camp fires when in the bush. I certainly never respond to it and unless it amuses me to do so, I rarely even read it. 

When friends say did you hear what person A said about you or did you see what person B wrote about you, I simply say “no.” I did not not hear them nor did I read what they said and I'm not interested in doing so. 

Life is too short and I am far too busy to worry about other people's opinions. I don't debate whalers, I oppose them. I don't debate supporters of whaling either, it's a waste of time. If someone posts a pro-whaling or anti-animal comment on my social network pages, I delete it and block the person. I am simply not interested in anyone's pro-whaling or anti-animal or anti environmental opinions.

When young people say they are stressing because people are talking about them and being critical I simply remind them about what Oscar Wilde once said on the subject:

Oscar Wilde once said “the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”

When people attack me for my looks or my weight or because they don't like my qualifications or feel I am not qualified to act or speak, I deal with them the same way. I ignore them. I know that if they did not attack me of one thing then would simply find something else to attack me on. 

We do not have to justify ourselves to critics and we do not have to prove anything to them. If they don't like the way we look or what we do, that is their problem and not ours. We do not need the validation of others to act upon what we believe in.

I think that Teddy Roosevelt said it best when in a speech about critics he said:

“It's not the critic who counts. It's not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled. Credit belongs to the man who really was in the arena, his face marred by dust, sweat, and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs to come short and short again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming. It is the man who actually strives to do the deeds, who knows the great enthusiasm and knows the great devotion, who spends himself on a worthy cause, who at best, knows in the end the triumph of great achievement. And, who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and cruel souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

If you are an activist, it is for the cause and not for the approval of others. I do what I do for my clients, the whales, the seals, turtles, birds, dolphins, fish etc. I don't do what I do for people. 

If people don't like what I do that is their problem and not mine.

I have never injured another human being in my entire life and causing injury or death in my opinion is the only thing that someone can legitimately condemn someone else for. To be condemned for saving a life or protecting an eco-system is just plain non-sensical and thus such a criticism has no validity. 

And you have to expect that people will make up and spread stories about you. The best way to deal with that is also to ignore the stories. The number of stories about me are amazing. I find some of the stories to be so outlandish as to be amusing but in general they are not worth paying attention to. 

When some people say I heard this about you or I heard that about you, I just smile and say, well people talk, what can I say?

When people say I'm not a qualified captain, I say, well if that is the case it sure as hell has not stopped me from commanding some three hundred voyages on numerous ships.

When they demand that I produce my qualification I ignore them. I need not prove anything to anyone except to the the authorities who require that information. 

We do not have a responsibility to answer to the criticism and denunciations of others. Quite frankly it is a waste of time and accomplishes nothing. 

Know thy critics and ignore thy critics is my motto and it is easy to know who they are. Quite simply if someone who is not your friend or a member of your family or someone you work with makes a criticism of you than they are the ones to be ignored. And if the criticisms from friends or family or people you work with are negative, ignore such criticisms also.

As an activist you don't need people bringing you down, telling you what you can't do, belittling your qualification or undermining your self confidence. 

You need people in your life who will empower you, support you and give you encouragement and if your friends and family don't provide this then ignore them also. 

You can accomplish anything you desire if you are passionate enough, courageous enough and confident enough. 

When I was in high school some of my teachers said I was too much of a dreamer and an idealist to amount to anything. When I told them what I wanted to do, they told me I was aiming too high or being unrealistic. My own father told me I was aiming too high and to be more realistic in my goals.

I simply ignored them and followed my own dreams, marched to my own music and did the things that I felt that I needed to do and wanted to do. And I have never had any regrets for doing so.

Have I made mistakes? Yes plenty of mistakes but mistakes are how we learn to not make the same mistake again.

I have never gained anything from critics nor will anyone else. They are the people pulling you down when you try to climb, they are the people stifling your dreams and throwing cold water on your ambitions. And as such they are to be ignored.

I said to my daughter when she was seven that she was the boss of her own life, not me. I was there to guide her and encourage her but I was never there to criticize, scold or discourage her. It was not for me to tell her what to do with her life or how to do it. As a result she is a highly successful, talented, and confident woman and I could not be more proud of her than I am. 

I see the biggest obstacle to young activists being a lack of self confidence. Many are overly concerned about what people including friends and family think of them or their actions. They are stressed about what people say about them and as such they allow others to bully, manipulate and control them. 

My only answer to this is simple. Satisfy your own desires, follow your own dreams, live your own life and damn anyone who tells you that you do not have the imagination, the courage, the ability or the passion to live your life the way you want to live it. 

And remember your greatest source of strength lies within yourself and not in the opinions of others. Say what you think, act upon what you believe in, dare to be yourself and never stop dreaming, never stop doing and never stop caring.

This world is a beautiful place once you unshackle your heart, mind and soul from the expectations of others.

sábado, 27 de julio de 2013

Budismo One Out One

Las cuatro nobles verdades

El "síntoma": La insatisfacción

(en pāḷi: Dukkha Ariya Sacca)

Toda existencia es insatisfactoria "Esta es, oh monjes, la noble verdad sobre el sufrimiento. El nacimiento es sufrimiento, la vejez es sufrimiento, la enfermedad es sufrimiento, la muerte es sufrimiento, convivir con lo indeseable es sufrimiento, separarse de lo deseable es sufrimiento, no obtener lo que se desea es sufrimiento. Todo conlleva sufrimiento, la existencia y sus partes son sufrimiento."
Todo es sufrimiento, nada es felicidad completa, el sufrimiento está siempre presente. La muerte de uno mismo y de los seres queridos es sufrimiento, así como la enfermedad de nuestros seres amados y la propia es sufrimiento, incluso la convivencia con seres amados conlleva sufrimiento. Dukkha (sufrimiento en lengua pali) se refiere a un sentido más amplio de sufrimiento: dolor, tristeza, pena, imperfección, aflicción, impermanencia, insustancialidad...

El "diagnóstico": La causa del descontento

(en pāḷi): Dukkha Samudaya Ariya Sacca):

El sufrimiento proviene del anhelo-aferramiento y la ignorancia "Esta es, oh monjes, la noble verdad sobre el origen del sufrimiento. La ignorancia, el deseo-apego y los cinco venenos son los que producen nuevos renacimientos, los que inclinan al placer y buscan la satisfacción aquí y allá, desanimándonos al no conseguir lo que queríamos. Es el deseo por la existencia, el deseo por la no existencia."
El sufrimiento surge del deseo o como consecuencia lógica de acciones pasadas "torpes" de elección propia. El motivo para realizar estas acciones, o sea, el origen y porqué del sufrimiento, son las pasiones humanas, expresadas en el budismo con una variedad de fórmulas, como por ejemplo los tres venenos o fuegos: ignorancia, aversión/odio, anhelo/aferramiento. Todo surge de no saber que todas esas acciones llevan al sufrimiento y no conocer la impermanencia e interdependencia de las cosas.

La posible cesación del sufrimiento

La prognosis (en pāḷi: Dukkha Nirodha Ariya Sacca):

El sufrimiento puede ser vencido "Esta es, oh monjes, la noble verdad sobre la supresión del sufrimiento. Esta cesación es posible eliminando nuestro deseo, librándose del deseo-apego, abandonarlo para siempre, no dándole acogida en nosotros."
Para terminar con nuestro sufrimiento hay que embarcarse en un estudio para hallar sus causas y comprobarlas por uno mismo, y después, eliminarlas. Hay que suprimir los cinco venenos y realizar acciones virtuosas, creando karma bueno. Esta noble verdad, en más profundidad, es el vacío, la sabiduría de la vacuidad, la realidad última, el corazón del Dharma.

El camino que lleva al cese del sufrimiento: El óctuple sendero

La prescripción (en pāḷi: Dukkha Nirodha Gamini Patipada Ariya Sacca):

Óctuple Noble Sendero "Esta es, oh monjes, la noble verdad sobre el camino que conduce a la supresión del sufrimiento, hacia el Despertar, el nirvana, El camino de las ocho ramas, el sendero óctuple por ejemplo:
  • 1.Comprensión correcta
  • 2.Pensamiento correcto
  • 3.Palabra correcta
  • 4.Acción correcta
  • 5.Ocupación correcta
  • 6.Esfuerzo correcto
  • 7.Atención correcta
  • 8.Concentración correcta

Las cuatro nobles verdades contienen casi todas las enseñanzas del Buda y el budismo. Es por donde debería empezar cualquier principiante o interesado en el budismo y la meditación budista.


martes, 25 de junio de 2013

Thirty Seconds To Mars: Up In The Air


Baja el volumen, pon tu música favorita.

Defqon.1 2013 "Weekend Warriors"

Defqon.1 2013 "Weekend Warriors", originally uploaded by Rudgr.

lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

Fin de ciclo

Dí lo mejor. La pasamos lindo juntos.

Duermo tranquilo. Mi futuro sigue siendo brillante. Mi presente inmejorable.

Espero que te vaya mejor que como te fue conmigo.

Love you my lightbug.

lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

Indian Summer Festival 2013

Indian Summer Festival 2013, originally uploaded by Rudgr.

martes, 4 de junio de 2013

Robert Plant & Alison Krauss: Through The Morning, Through The Night



Believe me when I tell you
I will try to understand
Believe me when I tell you
I could never kill a man

But to know that another man's holding you tight
Hurts me, little darling
Thru the morning thru the night

The bond has been broken
The promise you gave
The words that were spoken
I cannot be your slave

But to know that the trust you had in me is gone
Hurts me, little darling
Thru the nightime thru the dawn

I dreamed just last night you were there by my side
Your sweet loving tenderness
Easing my pride

But then I awoke and found you not there
It was just my old memory of how much I care

Believe me when I tell you
I will try to understand
Believe me when I tell you
I could never kill a man

But to know that another man's holding you tight
Hurts me little, darling
Thru the morning thru the night


Discazo para atesorar. Sweet beautiful record.

martes, 21 de mayo de 2013

Miley Cyrus feat. Rock Mafia: The Big Bang

Así mirá *****

Es cinco stars because it´s a super hit inside my head yeah.

Pero aparte el video mola y Miley estalla y se luce en él.



The big big bang,
the reason i’m alive,
When all the stars collide,
in this universe inside.
The big big bang

Some people like to talk.
but i’m into doing,
What i feel like doing,
when i’m inspired.
So, if we take a walk down,
the beach tonight,
 I bet we could light up the sky.

sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013

Kendra Morris


Alluci es poco.

domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

Juanci Feliz Cumple 15!

Te ailoveo todo gordito peludo!
Feliz Cumple!



domingo, 14 de abril de 2013

De Bian para Papá

P a p i :

Te queria comentar que sos demasiado mucho,
siempre estas ahi para ayudarme, acompañarme,
aconsejarme, te aprecio mucho, sos el mejor papá
que alguna hija podria pedir, sos único y eso te
hace mas especial de lo que crees.

Te amo papi, gracias por estar conmigo en
las buenas y las malas.

Con todo el amor y sudor del mundo, Bianca.

sábado, 13 de abril de 2013

Dead Can Dance: Anastasis

So many years listening this great band.
This musique have a magic touch in my life since very young.
Dead Can Dance: Anastasis

Gracias Clau preciosa lover mon amour por regalarme este discazo! Son montones de álbumes ya que me regalaste estos años de amistad/cariño/amor/sexo/compañía. Te adoro, que en mi universo es más que un "Te Amo".

Nuevo disco de una de mis bandas más topíssimas.
Estallo de la alegría.


DCD hacía 16 años que no publicaban un disco.
Crecí con la música de Dead Can Dance, Lisa Gerrard y Brendan Perry, todos trabajos increíblemente divinos.
Dead Can Dance tiene mucho significado en mi vida.


Anastasis quiere decir en griego: Resurrección.

Tal cual me pasa con Claudine. Ajam.

domingo, 31 de marzo de 2013

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

Imagine Dragons: Radioactive

Tremenda supersong que hace de soundtrack mientras es el momento que menos me lo esperaba, en el momento que más lo necesitaba... Ahí estoy yo para rescatarme de las fosas marianas en las que me meto solito.

And another supersongas

martes, 26 de marzo de 2013

Dead Can Dance: Yulunga

Este pedazo de track mantra joya de mi juventud de Dead Can Dance, que yo escuchaba back in 1995 AUN sigue siendo una de mis super favoritas of all times.



Uno de los mejores albums ever created by humanity:

Enjoy life!

lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

Roman Holidays


Veamosla juntos!


domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013

Welcome to my World

Depeche Mode.
Qué canción que me define.


Welcome to my world
Step right through the door
Leave your tranquilisers at home
You don't need them anymore
All the drama queens have gone
And the devil got dismayed
He packed up and fled this town
His master plan delayed

*And if you stay a while
I'll penetrate you soul
I'll bleed into your dreams
You'll want to lose control
I'll weep into your eyes
I'll make your visions sing
I'll open endless skies
And ride your broken wings
Welcome to my world*
Welcome to my world
Welcome to my world

We'll watch the sunrise set
And the moon begin to blush
Our naked innocence
Translucently too much
And I'll hold you in my arms
And keep you by my side
And we'll sleep the devil's sleep
Just to keep him satisfied

DM Folder @ Google Drive with a ton of media!

sábado, 23 de marzo de 2013

Ultra Miami 2013 w1

Dancing, originally uploaded by Rudgr.
Dancing on stage.

miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013

This Is 40

La única verdad es la realidad decía el general.
Y te cuento que esta movie no podés dejar de verla porque refleja bastannnte bien la *middle age crisis*.
Tiene diálogos excelentísimos acerca del momento de los padres en los late 30tis.
La niña que hace de hija mayor de la pareja se actúa TODO.

Ambas niñas de la peli son hijas del director de la peli. }

Paul Rudd man no podes ser TAN GENIO de la vida. Grandes actuaciones en general.
En fin, por momentos breves se hace larga, pero es una gran comedia.

domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013